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I maintain quite a few personal free softwares.

The software repositories are on Github.

The continuous integration is performed by Travis CI.

Here are a few:

macchiatoMIDI file humanization, used by Rex Potam
clefComposition time management, used by Rex Potam
projectsMy projects management system, still in use even though I code less than before.
MiXuPMIDI file humanization, previously used by Rex Potam, now replaced by macchiato. Not maintained.
parentrolA parental control system on Linux that I used whil by children were still young. Not maintained.
yacjpYet Another C JSON Parser.. A better JSON implementation, in therory, but was never really used except by me. Not maintained.
incentiveA library to add “contracts” in Java almost as easily as in Eiffel. Not maintained.
pydbcA library to add “contracts” in Python almost as easily as in Eiffel. Not maintained.
pwdPassword manager written in C. Not mainained: I use Enpass that does everything I need and more, and better.